You know my long-suffering trainer Rick Lucero whom I've been talking about since my first tri last September?
Ever the torture master, the sadistic m-f'er texts me late in the work day when I'm not thinking straight and my blood sugar is low and invites (word used extremely loosely) me to join his team ( a bunch of skinny, fast runners) in next Saturday's Camp Pendleton Mud Run. Sounds like harmless fun on a summer morning doesn't it? Perhaps a good training exercise for the following week's duathlon?
About that . . . 1/3 of the course (of a total of 6.2 miles - you do the math!) is a steep hill; there are 2 USMC wall climbs (ummm, Full Metal Jacket and Jarhead come to mind); a steeple jump and other obstacles for clods like me to negotiate; hay bales and a slippery hill and a sand crawl . . . and running in mud! I can't even run fast on a treadmill right now! WTF?!? I haven't run more than 2.5 miles straight on a treadmill since more than a year ago before I decided to train for a tri!
I do my level best to not commit, but that man can smell my bull crap from Uranus! And ever the Jedi-Mind-Tricker that he is (he told me it was about a 5-mile run - Arizona school system math? ) , I find myself committing about 5 text messages later.
And then I take a good hard look at the course map, the rules and the completion time limit . . . guess who feels like the slow, fat kid in the group? HELL NO!
But here's the thing about awesome trainers like Rick (and my sweet husband Gary who goes along with this as long as he doesn't have to do it himself) - they CHALLENGE you and INSPIRE you. He has this insane way of making you believe that you can do this crap and do it really freakin' well. He makes me feel like I'm a female Usain Bolt . . . yeah, and I drink Rick's cyanide-laced Kool-Aid at least twice a week! So I don't say no to the crap he throws at me . . . ever. And it's worked for me for more than the last two years . . .
I'm actually looking forward to this in a sick and twisted way. And you're all invited to witness the spectacle! Please bring lots of soap, water, towels and dry clothes! And lots of champagne and martinis!